Rogue Shop is a small family owned and operated distributing company who also owns a brick and mortar store located in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. For those who aren’t up for the drive, our state of the art website contains all the goodies we sell in store at the click of a button. We love cannabis so much that we sold our house so that we could move to Oregon and learn everything there is to know about our favorite plant. 4 years, and 12 crops later, Rogue Shop is a company that specializes in top-shelf, custom formulated, family grown hemp products. Through our website chat, YouTube channel, and person-to-person communications, we strive to educate consumers and distributors alike on current cannabis legislation/regulations, promoting cannabis awareness, proper care and storage of cannabis products, and other pertinent cannabinol related information.

Not only do we vet every farm that we source from, pack and ship every product, but we also grow hemp in our store, handcraft all of our body care products, and custom formulate each and every variation of gummy that we sell. We take a hands on approach with every part of our business so that we can be sure that consistency and high quality practices are observed at all times. Team Rogue is lovingly taking medicine back to it’s roots.