Manage stress with Hemp in Holiday Season
If we’re being realistic, the holidays can be equal parts festive and stressful. In fact, it seems like the older we get, the more this time of year loses its magic. A lot of that is because of the seemingly endless running around that we have to do to keep our loved ones happy. Still, the holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and cheer. So, it is important then, to keep stress to a minimum in order to fully enjoy the time spent with loved ones as much as possible. You can now manage stress with hemp.
At Rogue Shop, we’re bringing some much-needed holiday cheer and blissfulness to your life. Our premium, lab-tested hemp products have what it takes to help you slow down and enjoy the present moment, even when those holiday responsibilities are growing and growing by the minute.
The Holidays: A Particularly Stressful Time of Year for Most of Us
There is no guilt in admitting that not everything about the holidays makes us feel like “it’s the most wonderful time of the year”. During the holidays, we can feel obligated to overextend ourselves to keep our friends, family and even our coworkers happy, at the risk of neglecting our own personal needs. Our schedules can get so disrupted that we lose touch with our self-care routines. Thus, becoming so burnt out, we’re simply exhausted before the season is even over.
So, what are the biggest sources of holiday stress?
Holiday Stress Factor #1: Buying Gifts for Loved Ones
Of course, it can be very rewarding to exchange gifts with those we care about the most. But, buying gifts can also be anxiety-inducing. Between trying to figure out what to pick, dealing with dwindling budgets and feeling pressured to make each gift as personal as possible, we can easily feel overwhelmed.
Holiday Stress Factor #2: Hosting
Some of us are excellent hosts, which can be a blessing and a curse. It can mean that we’re expected to host numerous holiday festivities in our homes each year. And, that comes with a lot of work, between cooking, cleaning and generally keeping guests happy. The pressure of throwing the perfect holiday cocktail party or making the most delicious meal for 10+ relatives can be incredibly daunting.
Holiday Stress Factor #3: Dealing with Family
Some of our relatives are easier to love from a distance. But, during the holidays, we may be spending more time with them than we’d like to. Sometimes, having all of our family together can make us feel tense and on edge, due to political or religious differences that inevitably come up at the dinner table, or simply clashing personalities.
What are Some Awesome Ways to Manage Stress with Hemp During the Busy Holidays?
Many of us feel guilty admitting that certain parts of the holiday season are more than our nerves can handle. We feel so pressured to help keep up the cheer of everyone else that we end up neglecting ourselves along the way. If you feel that holiday stress creeping in, try these simple tips that can help keep your nerves calmer and your tasks more manageable.
Tip #1: Be Realistic with Yourself
If you’re the overachiever type, it may be time to remind yourself that you can’t do it all – nor should you have to. Weeks before any big holiday events, ask yourself what you can realistically handle this season. Maybe you have too much on your plate at work to squeeze in a weekend holiday party for your friends. Or, maybe cooking an entire holiday meal for all of your family just isn’t feasible because of your budget this year. Biting off more than you can chew will almost inevitably lead you into burnout territory, fast.
Tip #2: Avoid Saying “Yes” to Everything
Our friends and family can unintentionally place a lot of pressure on us to fulfill their holiday wishes. In the name of cherished traditions, expectations can be high to make all of the dishes that our loved ones grew up eating or go caroling on a night that we could really use some me-time. This is a great time to really challenge the notion that we have to say “yes” to every invitation and request. This can be as small as telling a friend that you can’t help them decorate this year. Or, it can mean telling your spouse that as much as you’d like to, you really can’t afford that big gift that they’ve been hinting at since January.
Tip #3: Designate Holiday Tasks
It can be enormously helpful to designate holiday tasks to different loved ones early on, so that you’re not taking on all of the responsibilities. For example, if you’re hosting a big family meal, ask each family member to bring a dish, so that you don’t end up getting stuck cooking everything. Ask your spouse to help with the holiday shopping this year so that you’re not spending as much time running from store to store. By setting these responsibilities up early, there won’t be as much room for someone to decline because their plate is already too full.
Tip #4: Take Time for Yourself
Self-care matters all throughout the year, but during the holidays, it can be particularly essential. Engage in some winter forms of self-care this year like watching your favorite holiday movie, taking a nice, warm bubble bath or drinking some hot cocoa by the fireplace with your favorite holiday music playing in the background. Making ourselves a priority throughout the season can help us feel restored and recharged.
Tip #5: Avoid Procrastinating
Procrastination is something that a lot of us struggle with. But, putting responsibilities off until the last minute is a surefire way to have a minor breakdown before the big holiday. Start getting gifts now, working through your list gradually. If you’re hosting a big dinner, start coming up with the menu so that you’re not scrambling to figure it out last minute.
Tip #6: Get Your Hands on Some Hemp
If you’re not already, consider taking hemp daily. Countless studies show that cannabidiol (CBD) in particular can offer noticeable stress relief, especially when consumed on a daily basis. CBD works with the brain’s neurotransmitters to provide balance to our state of mind, so that even when our limits are being tested, we are more capable of maintaining a state of calm and resilience to stressful events. It also comes in a wide array of product types, including gummies, tinctures, and even soothing topicals for stress-induced muscle tension. All of these delivery methods allow you to enjoy a fully customized routine based on your most specific needs and preferences.
This holiday season, you deserve the gift of inner peace and good cheer. Consider exploring the CBD-infused products that are available and treating it as a holiday gift to yourself. While CBD can’t keep aggravating relatives away, or solve your gift-giving dilemmas, it can help you regain your sense of festivity, and continue benefiting you all season long.
The Hemp Products at Rogue Shop: Perfect for Soothing Holiday Season Stress
We take great pride in our hemp products, which countless customers of ours use to manage stress not only during the holidays, but throughout the year. Each contains lab-tested hemp and naturally derived ingredients to act as gently on the body as possible, all while fully interacting with cannabinoid receptors responsible for our mood and mindset. We encourage you to treat yourself to the gift of hemp this holiday season, with the rich variety of amazing CBD from Rogue Shop.